Saturday, March 26, 2005

Showdown in Pinellas Park?

Governor Bush is skirting the line now, coming close to starting a nasty standoff between the FDLE and local law enforcement. A key 'graph from the article:
Citing several local police officials it didn't identify, The Miami Herald
reported that Florida Department of Law Enforcement agents contacted the
Pinellas Park police and said they were on their way to take Schiavo to a
hospital and resume feeding.
In the end, the FDLE and the Department of Children & Families backed down over concern the action could lead to a confrontation between police agencies.
"We told them that unless they had the judge with them when they came, they were not going to get in," an unnamed local police source told the Herald.

That's just great. This is getting out of hand, and I really hope it resolves itself soon.
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