'Shut yo' mouth!'
From the Ridgecrest Daily Independent:
Newspaper shouldn't print Liberal voices
Editor:Thank Goodness for such literate and intelligent men as Julius Wolfson, Derek Cooper, Ron Scott and May Shaw.I just can't understand why more good conservatives haven't spoken out against the dangerous opinions of rabble-rousers such as Phyllis Lilly, Linda Robin and that R C Johnson person.
Why does The Daily Independent print the degenerate views of poisonous Liberals who hate freedom?As Mr. Scott points out, the glorious Constitution is there to protect the rights of Christians to profess their faith. This country was founded by good Christians and the Constitution guarantees our right to express our religion.It just is completely beyond me how we have allowed Liberals to deny us this guaranteed right.Oh, they raise ridiculous arguments like other (false) religions would be "upset" if they were forced to pray alongside the righteous in schools or council meetings.Surely those others would appreciate the opportunity to be saved.
As God's chosen people, we Christians have the right to express our religion and praise tolerant, patient and merciful God, and I don't want to read any more letters from Liberals suggesting non-believers should be allowed to express their superstitions just because we Christians can express ours.
The Founding Fathers were God-fearing men and never intended the first Amendment to promote other superstitious beliefs.Ridgecrest used to be filled with right-minded, polite and decent people.
I can't believe the vicious slander of some people who have the nerve to portray or suggest Jesus behaved as a Liberal.Jesus makes his position very clear. The wisdom of an "eye for an eye" would never occur to a Liberal.Liberals are always talking about peace at any price, when Jesus said: Do not think I have come to bring peace, but a sword.
Liberals hate people who have managed to raise their station in life, and instead insist on giving money away to the irresponsible: Store yourselves treasures for Heaven for where your treasure is, there your heart is also.
No one can serve two masters, either your are a good conservative with God or you are not with God. Remember: A bad tree cannot bear good fruit.
Billie Miller
Newspaper shouldn't print Liberal voices
Editor:Thank Goodness for such literate and intelligent men as Julius Wolfson, Derek Cooper, Ron Scott and May Shaw.I just can't understand why more good conservatives haven't spoken out against the dangerous opinions of rabble-rousers such as Phyllis Lilly, Linda Robin and that R C Johnson person.
Why does The Daily Independent print the degenerate views of poisonous Liberals who hate freedom?As Mr. Scott points out, the glorious Constitution is there to protect the rights of Christians to profess their faith. This country was founded by good Christians and the Constitution guarantees our right to express our religion.It just is completely beyond me how we have allowed Liberals to deny us this guaranteed right.Oh, they raise ridiculous arguments like other (false) religions would be "upset" if they were forced to pray alongside the righteous in schools or council meetings.Surely those others would appreciate the opportunity to be saved.
As God's chosen people, we Christians have the right to express our religion and praise tolerant, patient and merciful God, and I don't want to read any more letters from Liberals suggesting non-believers should be allowed to express their superstitions just because we Christians can express ours.
The Founding Fathers were God-fearing men and never intended the first Amendment to promote other superstitious beliefs.Ridgecrest used to be filled with right-minded, polite and decent people.
I can't believe the vicious slander of some people who have the nerve to portray or suggest Jesus behaved as a Liberal.Jesus makes his position very clear. The wisdom of an "eye for an eye" would never occur to a Liberal.Liberals are always talking about peace at any price, when Jesus said: Do not think I have come to bring peace, but a sword.
Liberals hate people who have managed to raise their station in life, and instead insist on giving money away to the irresponsible: Store yourselves treasures for Heaven for where your treasure is, there your heart is also.
No one can serve two masters, either your are a good conservative with God or you are not with God. Remember: A bad tree cannot bear good fruit.
Billie Miller
Does there really need to be commentary on this? Holy crap. I pray it is parody! But probably not. The Republic of Gilead is coming. Be ready.
Thanks to Atrios for the heads up!
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