Monday, April 18, 2005

A Word of Warning from the Good Doctor

Just a bit of enlightened thought before I go to bed for the night.
I was driving home from class and accidentally tuned to The Savage Nation. Boy, did I learn alot, and I am so glad I stumbled across his progressive and enriching radio show. Ladies and gentlemen, did you know that according to Dr. Savage, the greatest threat that this country has ever faced from within its own borders is the radical homosexual lobby? I didn't. But now I do, so I can keep a lookout for those homosexuals that want to destroy this great nation. And Dr. Savage is the only one that is standing up to these people! Bush, Fox News, Coulter, O'Reilly...none of them! They are all beholden to the homosexuals!
To support Dr. Savage's crusade, click here!
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