Wedding Bells
See you next week, for the Supreme Court Confirmation fun!
The home of a diehard Red Sox fan, Air Force veteran, progressive educator with lots of opinions and little sense.
What if Rove's more public face has something to do with Rove's future? Is it possible that Rove might actually be contemplating a position of some sort? Elected perhaps? (They'd vote for him in his home state of Texas.)I shiver to think about it. Imagine Karl Rove in an elected position. Well, as a plus, the possibility of impeachment might arise. Or, (fingers crossed), Rove actually getting reamed in the press.
What about an appointed post? And to be completely paranoid.....
... didn't they just take Dick Cheney to the hospital, *again*.
Such interesting people, these so-called 'kinists.' I wonder if they realize that Jesus was, in fact, Jewish and that slavery was actually NOT a positive thing. Oh, and that the South was actually fighting for slavery (read the secession declarations!) while the North was fighting for Union. I will continue to post parts of their posts here, just because I think they need to be read. Look at their blogroll; it's not small.
The Moscow district prosecutor has ordered an examination into the Shulhan Arukh - a code of Jewish halakhic law compiled in the 16th century - to ascertain whether it constitutes racist incitement and anti-Russian material.
The prosecutor ordered the probe against a Jewish umbrella organization in Russia for distributing a Russian translation of an abbreviation of the Shulhan Arukh.
The inquiry was launched following a letter signed by 500 public figures, including some 20 members of the nationalist Rodina party, urging the district prosecutor to outlaw the Jewish religion and all the Jewish organizations operating in Russia.
Rodina's leader, Dimitri Rogozin, sent a letter to Moscow Chief Rabbi Pinhas Goldschmidt over the weekend, criticizing the anti-Semitic displays in his party. "Theological sources cannot be subjected to judiciary procedures," he wrote.
Goldschmidt told Haaretz that he welcomed Rogozin's statement, but called on Rogozin to take firm steps against his party members who signed the letter.
All in all, I enjoyed it quite a bit. As a huge DC buff, I hope that the new Superman film lives up to the standards of Batman Begins. I also hope my wife lets me start buying my comics again!
In terms of your Prime Minister, he's a -- interesting guy. He's a lot of fun to be around. He promotes, uhh, serious business in a, in a, in a way that, uhh, endears himself to people. And so, uhh, I think his presidency has been an important presidency for the EU during difficult times, and he's handled it well. And, umm, I was gonna say he's a piece of work, but that might not translate too well. Is that all right, if I call you a piece of work?
While the Soros-Ledecky group is not seen as the frontrunner to win the bidding for the Nationals, who should be awarded to their new owner at the end of the 2005 season, the very prospect that Soros could have a stake in the team is enough to irritate Congressional Republicans.
"I think Major League Baseball understands the stakes," said Government Reform Chairman Tom Davis (R), the Northern Virginia lawmaker who recently convened high-profile steroid hearings. "I don't think they want to get involved in a political fight."
Davis, whose panel also oversees District of Columbia issues, said that if a Soros sale went through, "I don't think it's the Nats that get hurt. I think it's Major League Baseball that gets hurt. They enjoy all sorts of exemptions" from anti-trust laws.
It's OK to say it. Don't worry about jinxing them. The 2005 Red Sox are going to win the American League East. By a landslide. Come late September, this is going to look like Secretariat at the Belmont in 1973.Yeah, Dan, way to ask God to, you know, strike us down. Go write another stupid book about the curse. Geez.
After looking up at the Orioles for two frustrating months, the Sox moved into first place Friday night and they are there to stay. Stop worrying about the Yankees, Orioles, and Jays. It's not even going to be close.