Saturday, March 05, 2005

'It's a bird, it's a plane, it' ass?'

From Hit and Run, I learned of this hilarious National Lampoon site that compiles some of the covers from the Golden and Silver Age Superman comics. You really oughta scroll through and read about what an utter ass Superman could seem to be. The comments that Mike Miksch makes about each cover are hilarious. i'm still scrolling through all the pages. My favorite so far is the one about Superboy discovering a device that allows him to see the future and sharing it with young Bruce Wayne, who would grow up to be Batman after his parents are horrible murdered. (I'm such a geek!)
List of more practical uses Superboy can make of a machine that can see
through time:
1.Betting on the outcomes of sporting events.
2.Forseeing natural diasters and catastrophhe.
3.Letting Bruce Wayne know that his parents are going to be gunned down in front of his very eyes in a filthy alley, you dick.

'Damn that Gay Agenda, Wanting to Serve the Country!

Florida Blues links to a Boston Globe article by Rick Klein on a bill to end the 'Don't ask, Don't tell' policy in the military. A key 'graph:
"The measure's sponsors argue that national security demands that gay and lesbian
soldiers be allowed to serve. A Government Accountability Office study released
Friday found that more than 750 service members in jobs considered crucial in
combating terrorism - including linguists and intelligence specialists - were
among the nearly 10,000 who have been dismissed from the armed forces for being
gay, lesbian, or bisexual under the policy."The policy is a proven failure,"
said Representative Martin T. Meehan, a Lowell Democrat who is the bill's lead
sponsor. "In a time of war, it's outrageous that the military continues to
discharge thousands of experienced, courageous, dedicated service members, with
many of the critical skills that are needed in the war on terror, for reasons
that have nothing to do with their conduct in uniform.""

I find it really ridiculous that we would deny anyone the opportunity to serve, especially in light of the demand for quality analysts, translators, and intelligence officers. It makes no sense, and reflects the ongoing obsession with sex that we seem to have in this country. When I was in the military, most people were more concerned about when the tempo would go down and whether or not the commander would throw another 7 am kegger to celebrate a job well done. I really don't think most members of the AGS would have cared if someone was gay; hell, it meant the job got done quicker and we could go in and watch TV instead of freezing on top of a freaking airplane at 3 am!

'Splleing is for lsoers'

This was in an email I got. i love it. :)
I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdgnieg. The
phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde
Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer inwaht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny
iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The
rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is
bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a
wlohe. Amzanig huh? yaeh and I awlyas thought slpeling was ipmorantt!

Monday, February 28, 2005

'Cats and Dogs, living together...'

Way to stand up to the Gay Agenda, South Florida! God knows, if you let one lesbian wear a tuxedo in her senior picture, they all will. And hell, then women will be wearing pants and jeans and wanting to work in male jobs!

You really got to read the article, but just a bit of it here:

"Kelli Davis, 18, had her senior class photo taken in a tuxedo top and
bow-tie outfit provided for boys rather than the gown-like drape and pearls
provided for girls. The school's principal decided it could not appear in the
yearbook because she didn't follow the dress code. "

Props to her folks, who paid 700 bucks for a two page ad in the yearbook with picture. Read the article!

'What would Poppy Say?'

Is the US engaged in a secret spraying campaign designed to wipe out the poppy crop in Afghanistan? From today's NYT:

"Although farmers had noticed a white powder on their crops, they cut grass and clover for their animals and picked spinach to eat anyway. Within hours the animals were severely ill, people here said, and the villagers complained of fevers, skin rashes and bloody diarrhea. The children were particularly affected. A week later, the crops - wheat, vegetables and poppies - were dying, and a dozen dead animals, including newborn lambs, lay tossed in a heap. "

If this is true, not the way to go about winning the hearts and minds, is it? Of course, the US has issued firm denials:

"There is no credible evidence that aerial spraying has taken place in
," the American Embassy said in a statement this time. "No agency,
personnel or contractors associated with the United States government have
conducted or been involved in any such activity in Helmand or any other province
of Afghanistan."

Of course we believe the US government and not the people that witnessed it with their own eyes. Always trust the government.

'Mission Accomplished?'

'Mission Accomplished,' indeed. From The New York Times (subscription rqd):

"A suicide car bomber drove into a line of about 400 volunteers for the
Iraqi National Guard and police force today in Hilla, south of Baghdad, killing
at least 122 people and wounding at least 170
, an official at the Interior
Ministry said."

I heard a news report that had an Iraqi spokesman claiming this was a last gasp of the insurgency. They have been saying that all year. Even with the arrest of Saddam's half-brother, I don't see how the hell these attacks are going to end. How do you reach out to people that see no future or have no hope or are full of hate, or worse, all three?

A Little Communism is the Cure

From everyone's favorite Canadian Free Republican, Adam Yoshida, on China:

"Some days I wonder if it wouldn't be such a bad thing if we covertly worked on stirring up reactionary communist sentiments in rural China. The Cultural Revolution wasn't that long ago, I'm sure it wouldn't be that hard to find some people eager to hang the bourgeoisie."

What a freaking moron. If you have never read Adam, check him out here (he has his own site, but turned off comments; go figure!).

Defining Evil Down..

Nick Gillepsie over at Hit and Run (my favorite libertarian blog!) has a quick, nasty, and spot on post about His Holiness, who I love and admire, calling gay marriage a manifestation of an "ideology of evil."
An excerpt of Nick's post:

"Please. If it's evil to enter into a committed relationship--and to adopt and raise children--the pope's whole "culture of death" rap strikes me as incoherent and morally opaque at best. Granted, I say this as a recovering Catholic."

So true. It saddens me that my ancestral Church struggles so with this issue. Of course, it is not the only one to do so, but it IS the only one with major sex scandals that may have been caused in part by an antiquated and really pointless prohibition against priestly marriage, which greatly
shrinks the pool of possible priests. The Catholic Church's views on sex really are causing it problems.
In any case, how one could compare the evils of the Holocaust with loving, committed relationships between two human beings is beyond me.

A Better Blog Than This...

The Professor is nominated for an independent blog group. Way to go! I wish I could update half as much or be half as relevant!
(Thanks for the props, btw.)

'Impressionable Minds?'

Check out the editorial cartoon in today's Sun. Jake Fullerton, who I don't always agree with, is right on about this inane bill preventing professors from having opinions.

My least favorite four letter word

It is FCAT day today in Florida. Certainly a useful, exciting time for teachers and students. On that note, here is a great editoral on the joy of FCAT. An excerpt:

"Now picture those same average eighth-graders, around 13 years old, who face two 80-minute language arts exams, two 80-minute math exams, and a 45-minute writing exam. Wow, that seems like a lot, doesn't it?But, our students are still not done, since there is also a 60-minute norm reference test for language arts and another 60-minute norm reference test for math.The grand total for all Florida eighth-graders this year is then an astonishing eight hours and 25 minutes of standardized testing."

and this...
"Compare this to the Florida Bar Exam, necessary for practicing law, weighing in at six hours or the Graduate Record Exam (GRE) that most graduate schools use as an entrance exam to the lofty heights of master's and doctoral study; that takes a mere three hours and 15 minutes.The Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) that high school graduates take to enter college is even more telling at only two hours and 30 minutes. Is it really necessary for our yearly achievement measure to take so much time?" (emphasis added)

Some really good points. Actually off by a couple of hours, because there is also the science section!
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